Romans 12:1-21

Step out of this COVID era in faith
From January to March of 2022, the pastors who have been preaching at English Adult Congregation have been following the theme of ‘First Things First: The Foundations of the Faith.’ We have felt it needful to return to the basics of the Christian faith because we see that Christians by and large are not good at hearing AND obeying. Essentially many have the Bible knowledge but not the ability nor the willingness to practice what they know. As a result the believer runs in danger of losing his or her ‘saltiness.’
Firstly, on a corporate level, every able-bodied believer meets together in church for worship regularly and regularly serves one another (Acts 2:42, Hebrews 10:24-25).
According to Romans 12:1-21, the life of a true disciple of Jesus Christ may be summed up this way: he (or she) is a new creation borne out of the Spirit, who is transformed in the mind to such an extent where he knows the will of God and obeys it. The true disciple is marked by his growth to Christlikeness, to think, speak and act like Christ as he dedicates his life daily to serve his Master in the Church and the community at large.
So how does that translate to day-to-day living? Firstly, on a corporate level, every able-bodied believer meets together in church for worship regularly and regularly serves one another (Acts 2:42, Hebrews 10:24-25). Secondly on an individual level, the way of a disciple of Jesus Christ is not just how we meet together regularly, it is also about how one’s knowledge of God’s Word is being translated to a life that is Christ-like. Jesus taught His disciples how they ought to live a live that is worthy of God’s calling (John 13:34-35; Ephesians 4:1). Remember when Jesus saved us, He didn’t save us for heaven. He saved us to live for Him, to do works in His name and to rule with him for His glory. The disciple who walks in a manner worthy of the calling with which he has been called is one whose daily living corresponds to his high position as a child of God and fellow heir with Jesus. Have your life been a daily, living example of Christ on earth to the people around you? How have your walk matched your talk and your talk, your walk? My prayer for us all is that we step out of this COVID era in faith, especially with the increasing easing of restrictions, our life and service to God, corporately and individually, will be evident to all. To God be the glory!

By Ps Simon Say
Congregational Pastor