Psalm 139:24

By periodically examining ourselves, we can purify our inner being by eliminating any blemishes in a timely manner.
There was a renowned painter who consistently depicted characters with only a single eye. He held the belief that people possess two eyes, one for perceiving the external world and the other for introspection. He expressed it as follows: “I view the world with one eye and delve into my inner self with the other.” By periodically examining ourselves, we can purify our inner being by eliminating any blemishes in a timely manner.
See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:24)
Dear brothers and sisters, it is through contemplation and self-examination that we can renew our minds and grow in maturity. Among the ten enlightening Chinese proverbs on life known as “格言联璧,” one advises: “When alone, reflect on your own errors; when in conversation, refrain from criticizing others.” In simple terms, when we are alone, we should reflect on our own mistakes, and in our interactions with others, we should avoid discussing the rights and wrongs of others. When we can honestly assess ourselves and objectively perceive others, we will find serenity, no matter what challenges life presents. Life is filled with ups and downs, with our journey sometimes smooth and at other times bumpy. In the face of rapid changes and uncertainties, it is essential to remain composed and tranquil, seeking God’s wisdom through self-reflection to better confront life’s challenges. Just as the psalmist prayed to the Lord, “ See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:24). Jesus also taught that all the evils that come from within defile a person.
Let us seek God to help us continually examine ourselves, acknowledging our own limitations, ignorance, and sinful thoughts. Through this process, we will uncover His greatness, infiniteness, unchangeableness, love, and grace, and cling to Him as our Lord and Savior.

By Ps Law Poh Ing