Psalm 106:1-3

May Kum Yan be an ever growing, glowing and going community of God’s love
Kum Yan is celebrating 106 years of God’s faithfulness to us today! What an amazing privilege to be a family with such a long history.
How appropriate it is then, that the Psalmist in Ps 106 begins with these words:
“Praise the LORD! Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good!
His faithful love endures forever.
Who can list the glorious miracles of the LORD?
Who can ever praise him enough?
There is joy for those who deal justly with others
and always do what is right.“ Ps 106:1-3
Indeed our first response today as a community is to “Praise the Lord!” (Or in Hebrew, Hallelujah!) This is something we are both commanded to do, and also choose to do. May the Lord receive what He deserves from us today!
“Praise the LORD! Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Who can list the glorious miracles of the LORD? Who can ever praise him enough? There is joy for those who deal justly with others and always do what is right.“ Ps 106:1-3
We are also told to give Him thanks. Again as a 感恩 family, thanksgiving should be our most instinctive response. We join the many generations who have gone before us can to say indeed agree He is good, and His faithful love endures forever, or at least in our context, for at least a 106 years and beyond. God has displayed His character through His acts and we have witnessed it through the generations. This knowledge also anchors the future generations in real memories, testimony and lives.
The Psalmist then asks two rhetorical questions that we can also repeat with conviction! Have we not seen the Lord do miracles in our midst? He protected us during the war, provided miraculously and abundantly through all our building projects, saw us emerging even stronger through Global economic crises and pandemic, bringing Spiritual revival and renewal in older and younger ones alike, and teaching us to walk in unity and love. Not only that, there were prayers answered, sicknesses healed, lives turned around, jobs, provision, abundance, comfort, relationships that were mended and the list goes on. How great is our God! Can we praise Him enough for what He has done? The fact is, we cannot! But that only shows how worthy He is, and how important it is for us to continue to do so, even daily.
Before the psalm goes on to remind the reader of God’s faithfulness even in the face of Israel’s failing to do so in their history, the introduction ends with an instruction that is also relevant to us today. As we turn 106, may we continue to be transformed to be a people who take joy in being righteous in how we love one another, and grow in the fear of the Lord in doing what is right.
May Kum Yan be an ever growing, glowing and going community of God’s love, even extending His welcome and message of His saving grace to peoples at the ends of the earth. Let’s all cross over the new year together! All glory be to our God!

By Ps Ian Wong