Exodus 24:12

“Come up to me on the mountain and stay here”
God said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain and stay here …” so that Moses could dwell in His presence on the mountain for over 40 days. God inscribed His laws and commandments on two stone tablets through Moses and then instructed Moses to bring the tablets down the mountain and teach the Israelites to be obedient people.
“The Lord said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain and stay here …” (Exodus 24:12)
“Come up to me on the mountain and stay here” shows us a very heart-warming picture – God desires His people to draw close to Him, stay and enjoy His presence, and worship Him. God wants to reveal His desires to His people. God has three commands: 1) go up the mountain; 2) go to Him; and 3) stay in His presence.
1. Go up the mountain: He is God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. God descended to earth and Moses went up the mountain. There is a price to pay to meet with God, we must climb up the mountain to meet Him.
2. Go to Him: We must put aside all worries and self-ego to meet God. We must be single-minded in wanting to meet Him. We must wait for Him. Moses waited at Mount Sinai for six days before God called him from the cloud.
3. Stay in His presence: We must not simply say hello and goodbye to God and then go about our business each day. The word “stay” means “to abide, to dwell”. We must learn to dwell in the shadow of God Almighty; find our security in Him; and trust in His faithfulness, power, and love.
The above are God’s commands to His people, especially to pastors and leaders of His Church. The personal life and ministry of today’s Christians are marked by busyness and self-centeredness. There is no time to “go up the mountain, go to God, and stay with Him”. Consequently, there is a lack of fulfillment, direction, purpose, wisdom, courage, and strength in one’s life and ministry.
Pray for God’s mercy and ask for Holy Spirit’s guidance. Let us inscribe today’s Scripture in our hearts – “go up the mountain, go to God, and stay with Him “. Let us bow down and worship God, seek His face, draw close to Him, receive and obey His assignment, laws and commands!

By Ps Rebecca Kwok