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Fatherhood is a gift from God

Fatherhood is a gift from God

Fatherhood is a gift from God Psalm 103 Take up this very important and essential role that God has given to you. Last week, most of us celebrated our fathers and their contributions to our families and our lives. Our English congregations will celebrate together...
Mid-way mark of 2024

Mid-way mark of 2024

Mid-way mark of 2024 Romans 8:31-35a God wants to remind you that His love for you is steadfast. We’ve now come almost to the mid-way mark of 2024. Time flies when you’re having fun, but also when you’re busy. (By the end of this month, I would have been a pastor at...
Mentor & Model to Next Generation

Mentor & Model to Next Generation

Mentor & Model to Next Generation Deuteronomy 6: 4-6 One of the hardest things to do is to pass on the faith to the younger generation. It is such a joy to see whole family, both young and old, worshiping the Lord together on Sundays. Yet one of the hardest...


Missions@Home Matthew 28:19-20 Missions begins at home. Let’s go forth and bless the nations right where we are! This Sunday, I want to tell you a story about a Christian who helped her foreign domestic helper to find God by simple act of faith. I hope this story will...