Philippians 1:6

One Heart One Mission One Belonging to the Church of Christ
Last week, we celebrated the 106th anniversary of our church! What a beautiful anniversary service we had, with so many significant moments not only to enjoy and remember, but also to mark our journey. The hosts were warm and engaging, and even gave us a brief history of our church, while the anointed trilingual worship was led by a combined team from different congregations. We had reports of the good ministry we have been doing as a church, and how God has blessed us richly through the timely and faithful giving of the members.
being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Phil 1:6)
We even had a segment that featured the “live” official opening and blessing of our new outreach center, aptly named “The Well”, a place for refreshing, comfort, community and God encounters. We were also blessed by the children as well as the combined choir presenting dance and song to glorify God. All these segments highlighted the diversity, richness, history and longevity of this community.
Adding to the celebration, Rev Ho gave us a powerful Word and reminder from Nehemiah, that if we are indeed a Church that belongs to Christ — if we are indeed “One Heart, One Mission, One for Jesus” — then God wants everyone to play their part in building this church. And the sober warning given from Neh 2:20 was that those who oppose or do not build, will have no share, no claim and no right to what the Lord is doing. It is in fact our attitude that will determine if our names are on the list of “wall (or church) builders”, or not. We might be tempted to be bystanders or to give up because of various conflicts, disappointments and various reasons. But through patient listening, rebuilding and repair, we can recommit to be part of God’s work to encourage the Family of God, to continue building His Church with perseverance until the work is done. What an encouragement for us! Amen!
Personally, when I see the old black and white photos in the slides, and I see the old buildings I used to run around in, also my grandparents’ faces (including many aunties and uncles who are no longer here with us), there is a real sense of generations and legacy here. A day like this represents countless stories of God’s faithfulness, miracles and love. Through the generations, there have also been stories of broken trust, broken relationships and broken hearts. After spending almost 47 years here in Kum Yan, I can truly say I am a witness that Kum Yan is God’s church — a place where He does His best work in people who are broken and in need of His grace, love and presence.
I think of the many long-serving Sunday School teachers, youth and cell group leaders, those in seniors ministry as well many other ministries like tech crew, games, food and those serving in outreach, hospitality or Bible Study. We honour each and everyone who has contributed invaluably through their years of hard work and sacrifice. We also warmly welcome all who have joined us along the way — you are so important to us! We are truly One Kum Yan Family! What a privilege it is to build God’s church together!
As God continues to do what He started those many years ago (Phil 1:6), and each generation serves and takes their place joyfully (Ps 145), as the “name list” of the generations continues to grow, may we be found faithful, patient, surrendered and persevering, a beautiful bride prepared for His return (Rev 21:2).
Together as a new Kum Yan at 106, we dedicate ourselves once again to serve God’s purposes, and to see His Kingdom come! Praise be to God for what He has done, and may He do even greater things in future generations.

By Ps Ian Wong