Psalms 46:10

Here are 5 things we can celebrate!
Hi Family!
As part of Kum Yan’s 106th Anniversary, I asked some church members – younger and older, to share anonymously what it means to them to be a part of this “old church”.
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Ps 46:10)
Here are 5 things we can celebrate!
1) Thankful & Grateful
“It is in our name!”
“Whatever the circumstance, may we never lose the ability to be thankful.”
We “Kum Yan” in all situations big and small, for His grace daily! (1 Thess 5: 16-18) The same God that we worshipped through WWII is also the God that provided miraculously in church building projects and economic turmoil, and faithfully protected us through global crises like SARS and COVID. And this same God watches over us individually with care and love!
2) Kingdom Inheritance
“A generational church with depth.”
“We have a spiritual inheritance, so stay planted and grow!”
No matter how long you’ve been a part of this community, our faith is passed on in values, stories and examples from the generations before us (Ps 78:4). Whether as missionaries or in the marketplace, evangelists or entrepreneurs, we have an inheritance available to us to bless our Father’s world.
3) Servant Leaders
“It is never about what we can get, but what we can give in order to build a better community.”
“Build your part of the wall, even through tough times.”
As Kum Yan, we serve God devotedly through all of life’s stages and challenges, following the example of King Jesus (Mk 8:35). Whether it is sitting with a grieving family, ushering for service, preparing cell lessons or looking through quotes for the new air-cons we need, we can use our gifts for Him in tasks prominent or obscure.
4) Mature Unity
“The church is not perfect, but God is patient and faithful.”
“What counts most in the end is what we become.”
Unity in a church like ours matures over the years. In many ways, Unity (Ps 133) and Oneness (Jn 17) become harder because we’ve had more time to experience one another’s flaws and change becomes harder as we age too. But unity also matures as we are tested, count the cost as we knowingly put aside differences to build ‘our part of this wall’ joyfully for Jesus.
5) Greater Glory
“Because the presence of the Lord is here.”
“We shine as little lighthouses in our city.”
Through the toughest times of loss, disappointment and pain, God renews us and gives us an eternal glory that far outweighs our troubles (2 Cor 4:16-17). His thoughts and ways are higher (Is 55:9), so no matter what lies ahead, we are to be still and know that He is God (Ps 46:10). In the end, only He alone is glorified!
Today is also Palm Sunday! We celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and that prophetic declaration of victory, peace and reign that King Jesus brings. Though the people’s expectations then were misplaced in thinking he would bring physical deliverance as Messiah, we today know that Jesus brought eternal victory, freedom and peace as Saviour King through salvation on the cross. Let’s welcome King Jesus into our lives this Holy Week and may Kum Yan be a church where He truly reigns over us.

By Ps Ian Wong