Proverbs 3:5-6

Ps Jeff Chong urged all pastors and leaders of Singapore churches to press on with an “all-in” attitude to win Singapore for Jesus.
Last week, you may have read in the church bulletin that a few of our pastors and staff had registered to attend the annual LoveSingapore Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. On the English side, Ps Ian, Queenie, Kerin and I were in attendance, while Ps Rebecca and Ps Baoren represented Kum Yan at the Mandarin track. It was a good time of refreshing and fellowship, along with pastors and leaders of many other churches and para-church organisations.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (Prov 3:5-6)
As many of you know, Kum Yan has been a strong and loyal supporter of the LoveSingapore movement since its inception in 1995 under the then-leadership of the late Rick Seaward. We are glad to continue in this support and partnership, joining with so many other local churches to see to it that our tiny island-nation of Singapore is ultimately won for Christ.
In his opening address, current Chairman of LoveSingapore Ps Jeff Chong urged all pastors and leaders of Singapore churches to press on with an “all-in” attitude to win Singapore for Jesus. He reiterated the three-fold strategic foci for LoveSingapore as follows:
1. Turning Singapore Godward
2. Winning the Youth
3. Blessing the Nations
For Kum Yan, I believe we need to focus especially on priority 1: to turn Singapore Godward. This strategy must take into account both evangelism and discipleship concurrently. It is therefore no surprise that our church theme for this year is Discipleship with an emphasis on evangelism as an essential and fundamental part of holistic discipleship.
Will you join with me in prayer and ready-ing your heart for what God may lead us into as a church this year? Let us begin with fervent prayer and intercession for our church and for our nation. Will you also pray for me as I step into this new appointment as PIC? Pray for all our pastors, staff and leaders, that we may hear clearly from the Lord, leaning not on our own understanding but always submitting ourselves to Him. And the promise from God is that the Lord will make our paths straight (Prov 3:5-6).

Rev Stefanie Oh