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Three Thoughts

Matthew 5:6

July 31, 2023

Pray for God’s healing and love to come upon all of them.

Disappointment is still felt all around after news broke of the inappropriate conduct by a few public figures a couple of weeks ago. They have since resigned from offices. Actually, much earlier a few famous personalities, especially those from the entertainment industry, have been involved in the #MeToo scandal. On the surface these people seem to give the impression that all was well and they had a loving family. But it was not so. I am assuming that as a church we felt the pain more keenly because those involved purported to be believers. Let me share with you three thoughts as I reflected on what has happened.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (Matt 5:6)

Firstly, the call to live authentic lives is all the more urgent. That is, what we do inside and outside the church must be consistent. The inappropriate conduct happened because there is a disconnect between what they profess and how they live. At a recent Men’s Fellowship gathering, Mr Kirk Tan, author of A Journey Of Manhood, reminded all the participants to stop being pretenders and to pursue integrity and righteousness for these are marks of a true disciple of Christ. Our Scripture says Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (Matt 5:6).
Secondly, let us be steadfast in being salt and light in the places that God has placed us and not be discouraged by the few who have fallen. I am certain that there are countless others who are striving and seeking to live out their faith in the marketplace. They take their call to discipleship seriously and are determined to do so. When the prophet Elijah was dejected and felt alone, the Lord said to him I will leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal (1 Kings 19:18). Hence, let us look to the Almighty and faithful God for strength to do so.
Thirdly, let us pray for those affected by these events. It goes without saying that those who are hurt the most are the immediate family members – the spouse, the children, their parents and others. We must pray for God’s healing and love to come upon all of them as they seek to rebuild their lives.

By Rev Philip Lim
