Malachi 3:1

Christ is not only a Messenger sent from God but is, in Himself, the living Message from God.
Malachi 3:1
“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the Lord Almighty.
Today marks the third Sunday of Advent, with the theme of Joy. May the joy and peace that surpass all understanding, granted by the Lord, be with you each day, alongside God’s family and your loved ones!
“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the Lord Almighty. (Mal 3:1)
Advent is a season filled with anticipation, preparation, and repentance, urging believers to actively prepare ourselves to welcome the coming of our Lord Jesus. It is a time to thoughtfully remember the birth of Christ, refocus our lives, and renew our mission. We are called to wait with a watchful heart for the Lord’s second coming. The four themes of the Advent season—Awakening, Repentance, Joy, and Hope—remind and prompt believers to reflect seriously on the condition of our lives. Only through awakening and repentance can we experience the true joy and hope that are found in the Lord. Let us share this great message of salvation, the joy of life, and the hope of Christ with all nations, sowing seeds of joy, peace, and hope.
We thank the Lord for the revelation in the book of Malachi of Christ’s two comings: He comes not only as the Messenger of the covenant but also as the One whom all nations desire. This is why people from every nation celebrate the birth of Christ. Christ’s birth brings true joy and peace to all. The first coming of Christ was as God’s Messenger, bringing the message of salvation to His people. Christ is not only a Messenger sent from God but is, in Himself, the living Message from God.
The Messenger of the Covenant has come! The Saviour, Jesus Christ, has come! How can we live meaningfully during Advent?
1. Prepare with a heart of thanksgiving, celebrating and remembering the birth of Jesus: The birth of Jesus is a real historical event. Celebrating Christmas is a way of re-entering this salvation event, reflecting on and remembering the saving action of Christ’s birth that transcends both time and history.
2. Stay watchful and remain faithful, reflecting and praying as we await the coming of Jesus: We must stand firm before the Lord, overcoming the refining process of challenging circumstances, and longing to draw near to Him every day through Bible reading and meditation. We remind ourselves to act in a manner worthy of the grace we have received.
3. Renew your life, looking forward to the second coming of Jesus: When Christ returns, He will establish a new heaven and a new earth. Our lives, too, must be constantly renewed. The day of His return is near, so let us seize every opportunity to love God and love others with all our heart and strength, diligently fulfilling the mission entrusted to us by Christ, and preparing ourselves to attend the marriage supper of the Lamb.
