The life of a true disciple is lived without compromise because God does not compromise on His principles.
I am not sure how you feel each time you read this passage concerning Ananias and Sapphira. Do you feel sorry for this couple? What comes to your mind regarding God when the couple dropped dead suddenly- do you think God was harsh and unjust? Finally, how do you see yourself in the light of what God did to them?
“Each of us will give an account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12)
Now, you may ask, “Is it wrong for Ananais and Sapphira to keep part of the proceeds from the sale of their property?” The answer is an emphatic “No.” The couple had a right to do that. The problem was the sin they committed- they lied. Ananias and Sapphira committed to the Lord to give away ALL the proceeds from the sale of their property (v4) but they kept it back in a secret and dishonest way. There are at least two lessons we can learn here:
1. We must mean what we say:
Today, we in the church are under grace. We are not limited to give any certain amount. At Kum Yan church, members are taught to give at least a tithe. In the early church, many disciples gave everything they owned. What is of utmost importance is that we give what we have committed to the Lord to give. We must mean what we say. This biblical principle is extensive. For example, it includes the songs we sing during worship. Do we really mean what we sing? Do we mean it when we sing songs that talk about giving ‘my all’ to God?Making a vow to the Lord is not something we make lightly. After all, “Each of us will give an account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12).
2. We must reflect God’s glory:
Every disciple worth his or her salt must represent God accurately. That means reflecting His glory or character. If the Lord is the God Who means what He says He will do, then you and I must represent Him exactly. God judged Ananias’ and Sapphira’s act justly because dishonesty, greed and covetousness are destructive to the church; their act prevented the Holy Spirit from doing His work. Moreover, when we lie to God and His people, or give excuses, we destroy our testimony about God. Simply, “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’…” (Matthew 5:37, ESV).
The life of a true disciple is lived without compromise because God does not compromise on His principles. My prayer is that every Kum Yanite will live a life of ‘no compromise’; our Father will be pleased when we do. Shalom!

By Ps Simon Say