Titus 1:6-9

Church leadership is different.
Last Sunday we witnessed the installation of our Local Church Executive Committee (LCEC) and members of our various Management Committees. We thank God for all the leaders who have responded to God’s call. Nevertheless, God’s call comes with a great responsibility. And spiritual leaders have to be nurtured.
Spiritual leaders are believers with exemplary in their character and values, and engendered by an inner maturity. And they must possess a devotion to and reverence for God. They need to be role models.
Paul’s instruction to Titus on appointing leaders is clear – he must live a blameless life; he must be faithful to his wife, and his children must be believers who don’t have a reputation or being wild or rebellious.
He must not be smug or quick-tempered; a heavy drinker, violent or dishonest with money. He must be hospitable and must love what is good. A spiritual leader acts justly and is full of wisdom. He is devout, disciplined, and has a strong belief in the trustworthy message he was taught (Titus 1:6-9).
The world can accept an arrogant person as a leader and overlook his character flaws and sometimes even his scandalous private life so long as the individual in leadership role is able to produce sterling results and bring in profits for the organization. But church leadership is different.
Spiritual leaders are believers with exemplary in their character and values, and engendered by an inner maturity. And they must possess a devotion to and reverence for God. They need to be role models.
In view of these high expectation, I ask that you always pray for our leaders.

By Rev Philip Lim