John 10:14-15

Knowing an individual deeply is a journey and takes time.
On Sundays, before and after our worship services, I try to greet as many worshipers as possible. My intention is to at least get to know every individual more deeply. This is following the example of Jesus, the Chief Shepherd who said “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me – just as the Father knows me and I know the Father” (John 10: 14-15)
Knowing an individual deeply is a journey and takes time. It usually starts with small talk to get acquainted. This is to build rapport and relationship. Only when trust is built then deeper conversation can take place.
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me – just as the Father knows me and I know the Father” (John 10: 14-15)
A few months ago when the war broke out in the Middle East, a few of you asked me for my stand on the conflict. I have also been asked to share my thoughts on some traditional cultural practices and if it contradicts biblical teachings. Someone from KYdZ even asked me what I thought about the existence of dinosaurs. These are some of the small talk I have had with some of you.
From this small talk, I am able to catch a glimpse of what are the issues that are in your hearts. As much as possible, I will try to give a clear and concise reply; and when I don’t have the answer, I will be honest about it and promise to find out more and get back.
Usually after such small talks I go away feeling I have known the person slightly more. And that sets a good foundation for further conversations.
This year we are going to get more involved in the One for Jesus movement. We are committed to bring at least one person to Christ within the next 10 years. For us to do that we must begin to pray and ask the Lord to give us a name whom we can reach out to. Once we have the person in mind we must begin to look for opportunities for small talks. You never know, your initial small talk may turn out to be a life-changing, redemptive conversation! May God help us.

By Rev Philip Lim