Hebrews 13:1-2

bring joy, thanksgiving, and even worship onto our street
Hi Kum Yan Family!
By now you may have heard about Kum Yan’s participation in the Singapore Night Festival that is happening all around our neighbourhood these two weeks (19-27 Aug 2022). So what is this about?
The Singapore Night Festival (SNF) is the signature event organised by the National Heritage Board each year, to showcase both local and international art and performances. This festival is held in the Bras Basah.Bugis (BBB) precinct, which is “… home to the greatest concentration of museums, historic monuments, heritage buildings, places of worship, arts groups, arts schools, and lifestyle malls in the city centre.”
“Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” Heb 13:1-2
If you didn’t know, Kum Yan is right in the middle of the BBB, and we were invited to participate in the festival as a stakeholder in the area. As we were praying for the reopening of the church post-covid, we felt the Lord lead us not only to prepare to welcome people back in, but also to be ready for what happens in our community to overflow out. Therefore, when this opportunity came along, we felt it was the right time to participate in this once-a-year neighbourhood festival.
When the call went out for volunteers, we were so heartened to see so many people responding! The name for our event is “Thanksgiving Stories and Songs @ Queen Street” which is happening from 7pm-9pm on the 20th and 27th of August. We have performances from our Cantonese Opera and Choir Groups, Breakthrough Missions and some of our young people, as well as a special segment by some of our children! There are also cell groups and leaders from all the congregations coming to help out. This is truly what it means to be Kum Yan.
Along this theme of Thanksgiving, we also have a 2m tall light box with the words 感恩 on it, as well as an opportunity for members of the public to pin little notes on which they can write down what they are thankful for. We are also offering some nostalgic childhood games, as well as free drinks, snacks and cotton candy.
Though at times, we may focus on what happens in church, within our community, we are thankful for the chance for our neighbourhood and even Singapore to know who we are. Amidst all the other performances that are going on, may we enjoy the privilege of showing the hospitality of God through our warmth and conversations, as well as highlight the goodness of God in our thanksgiving and generosity, and even proclaiming His greatness in testimony and song.
If you haven’t already, come join us on the 27th to bring joy, thanksgiving, and even worship onto our street! Bring along friends and family too.
“Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” Heb 13:1-2

By Ps Ian Wong