Reaching out, touching lives.
The founding of Kum Yan Methodist Church almost a century ago, was the fruit of a primary focus on reaching out to the Cantonese-speaking community in Singapore. Since then, and over the years, God continued to build on this foundation, and brought a deeper understanding of His heart, and a larger vision for our individual and corporate participation in the Great Commission. God continued to lead us further afield, even to cross geographical and cultural borders in obedience to His Call.
In the 1990s, we started with providing financial support for missionaries and missions organisations. In 2002, we commissioned and sent forth our first batch of home-grown missionaries. Today, in addition to our local outreach and community service efforts, we also support more than 15 mission workers serving locally and overseas in countries such as East Timor, Europe and other parts of the world.
Why Missions?
We have been commissioned.
And we will go.
We are committed to the Great Commission of God. We will “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19-20) and be His witnesses “to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8).
His love is for everyone, everywhere.
And we will share.
We are to share God’s love with His compassion (Matt 9:36) and be Christ’s ambassadors to bring reconciliation to the world that is lost (2 Cor 5:19-20), anywhere and everywhere!
And we will follow.
Every Christ follower is to follow Christ’s footsteps to become a World Christian who embraces the Great Commission in our daily life.
Get involved!
The Great Commission is meant for all of God’s people! For a start, you can be involved in any of the following ways.

- Use the monthly KY Missions Newsletter as a prayer guide for all our Missions workers.
- Join the fortnightly KY Missions Prayer Meeting.
- Register your interest with the Missions Staff if you wish to be an Intercessor for specific Missions worker / Missionary.

Get Equipped
- Attend the Kairos Course – a foundational course that will allow you to get a good grasp of God’s Great Commission, discover and explore your specific role in World Missions.
- Look out for equipping opportunities by contacting the church office. Proactively seek to be equipped.

- Give regularly on top of your tithing to the Kum Yan Missions Fund. This is mainly used to provide financial support for missionaries and missions work.
- Love and care for our missionaries and missions workers when they are in the field and when they return. Possible ways of support include providing short-term accommodation, transportation to and from the airport, inviting them to share at your small group meetings, etc.

- Overseas mission trip (individual or cell)
- Overseas Internship opportunity
- Missions at the Doorstep – Local outreach to the Least Reached Communities
- Long term placement in the field