Psalm 133: 1

Sitting in the Sanctuary last Sunday, I was filled with thankfulness for God’s faithfulness and goodness.
We celebrated our 105th anniversary last Sunday. 105 years is a long time! To put it in context, 1918 was the year World War I ended, and also the year where the “Spanish Flu” killed as many as 50 million people or even more, worldwide. God has been watching over the generations of our community for a long time. For those of you who were not able to be at the church anniversary service, it was truly a wonderful time together as a spiritual family.
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! (Psalm 133:1)
All the generations, languages and congregations were mixed together in worship, as the worship team skillfully weaved the songs in a tapestry that captured the declaration of our hearts before the Lord — we are a people who are grateful for His faithfulness and want to live our lives in worship to our God, embracing His calling on our lives. We were so honoured to have Bishop Gordon Wong share a strong message to us about the challenge and also power of unity, if we persevere in God’s calling together with “One Heart One Mission”.
The children and youth presented 3 dances showing the power we have in Christ and the desire for the next generation to be anointed to shine our light and serve God’s purposes, with the support of the spiritual fathers and mothers in the family. The combined KY choir presented a beautiful Worship Song, and led the congregation to declare “Holy, holy holy” together. We had cake cutting, an update on our ministries and also beautiful lively translation that reflects the best of our KY heritage and culture.
Sitting in the Sanctuary last Sunday, I was filled with thankfulness for God’s faithfulness and goodness. What a picture of the richness of our church, and the blessing of walking together in relationship and unity! Personally, I am one of many who are third-generation Kum Yan members, and my children are the fourth. We also have members who have recently joined, worshipping and serving alongside us.
Together we are Kum Yan. A community who are growing in love for one another, and all together fearing, loving and serving our God. May many more generations of spiritual parents, as well as sons and daughters arise in this family, so that we may be a dwelling place for our God, and declare His goodness and salvation even to the ends of the earth. What a blessing to be a part of this Family!

By Ps Ian Wong