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One Heart and One Mission
January 9, 2023

Our first Combined Church prayer meeting of the year this Friday (13 Jan 2023)

We are having our first Combined Church prayer meeting of the year this Friday (13 Jan 2023). It is a powerful expression of our desire to serve God with One Heart and One Mission when our members from across all the congregations, come together to pray. Indeed Paul mentioned many times in his letters to the churches to be of one mind in ministry. Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind (Phil 2:2).

Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind (Phil 2:2)

Another reason for coming together to pray is to seek God together so that He may pour out His Holy Spirit for the revival of our church. The church has many programs and events lined up this year. But at the heart of all these physical activities, we want to be doing the will of God. Hence, it is important for us to be of one heart with God.

The third reason why we must come together to pray is to foster a prayer movement at every level of the church, from the cell groups to the leadership team. I must say that the church has always taken prayer very seriously. Yet we can never have enough prayer. Hence, it is my hope that this first prayer meeting of the year will serve as a springboard toward a deeper culture of prayer in the church.

We are just days away from Chinese New Year and I know some of you are busy preparing for this festivity. But I urge you to pause for a while and come and join us in prayer. I am sure you will be blessed when you come.

By Rev Philip Lim
