The goal is to be true disciples of Jesus who will in turn make other disciples.
In the new year there are many things we can look forward to – our children will go to new schools and learn new things. There will be those who are starting on their new jobs or have changed career path. I know of a few friends who are looking forward to spending more time with their family having just retired. And there is even one who is going to actively pursue his hobby. Earlier he had no time because of work.
Almighty God, pour out your blessings upon your servants. Grant them grace to give themselves wholeheartedly in your service….
As a church we intent to step up our evangelistic efforts this year. Hence, there are a few outreach events planned in the coming months. For overseas missions we are going to explore reaching the people in the Land of the Rising Sun. Discipleship, of course, is ongoing. The goal is to be true disciples of Jesus who will in turn make other disciples.
Today we are going to witness the installation of the new Local Church Executive Committee (LCEC) and the Management Committees of the various congregations. These leaders have been called by God and chosen by the people of God for leadership in the church. This ministry is a blessing and a serious responsibility. They are now called upon to use their God-given gifts to serve God and His people.
Let us continue to pray for that that they will offer their best to the Lord, to His people and to our ministry in the world. Pray too that they will live a life in Christ and may their witness and work testify of God’s goodness.
Almighty God, pour out your blessings upon your servants. Grant them grace to give themselves wholeheartedly in your service. Keep before them the example of our Lord, who did not think first of himself, but gave himself for us all. Guide them in their work. Reward their faithfulness with the knowledge that through them Your purposes are accomplished; In Jesus Name. Amen.

By Rev Philip Lim