Joshua 24: 15

We are called to play our part in building God’s kingdom on earth.
As we reached the halfway mark in 2023, I would like to take stock of what has taken place in the last 6 months –
“But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24: 15)
A. On 13th February this year, our government announced that the DORSCON level has been adjusted from Yellow to Green. That meant we were able to step down from all Safe Management Measures including the removal of mask wearing for church worship services. We give thanks to God for allowing us to fully resume all our church activities as before. We shall continue to remain vigilant for any change to the alert levels.
B. On 12th March we celebrated our KY 105th Church Anniversary. It was a joyous occasion where the whole church came together to celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness. Going forward we are committed to serve God with One heart and One mission.
C. There were different outreach events carried out by our different congregations. The North Bridge Road ministry had their annual evangelistic gala lunch just after Easter, Alpha course took place during the week and our volunteers fan out into the streets to bless the cleaners and security guards in the neighborhood. All these activities are part of our mission of being a Lighthouse, a caring community and a home in the city.
D. In June we held our Family Camp. This was after a hiatus of 5 years and close to 450 people joined the camp. The main speaker was Mr Jason Wong of Dads for Life and our pastors took turns to share at the different sessions. At the heart of every strong and healthy family is our Lord and Heavenly Father. Let us say with Joshua, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24: 15)
We are called to play our part in building God’s kingdom on earth. And all these activities are our way of fulfilling the mission that God has given to us. Hence, in the coming days, let us continue to love and serve the Lord.

By Rev Philip Lim