Colossians 2:7

For His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than our thoughts.
“rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” (Colossians 2:7)
It is said in Colossians 2:6, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him”. Essentially, to live our lives in Christ means following Him, which includes knowing, obeying, and doing God’s will. After following Christ all these years, do we truly know what He wants us to do and how to do it? Are we really willing to follow what He commands us to do?
May the Lord help us follow Him all the days of our lives. May our lives be rooted and built up in Him, our faith be strengthened in Him, and our hearts overflow with thankfulness, as we live out the fullness of Christ in us.
In “following Christ”, first and foremost, we must pray and seek God’s will. For His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than our thoughts. How then can we know His will and do what He desires for us to do? Today’s scripture verses are a guide for us.
• “as you were taught”
It is critical that we always abide in Christ and keep receiving from Him! Every day, we must spend time to come before our Lord humbly, draw close to Him, and build an intimate relationship with Him. Through our close interaction and relationship with Him, we will be sensitised to His presence and receiving from Him will be a natural outcome. As we learn to seek Him earnestly to know His character and teachings, whenever we are faced with matter that requires consideration, choice, or decision, our hearts will gravitate towards aligning with God’s will, attuning to what pleases Christ, and embracing what Christ would do or how He would decide.
• “rooted and built up in him”
“Rooted” – roots are hidden and invisible. Our daily acts of communing with God, reading the bible, praying, meditating on His Word are likewise. We enter a secret place to meet with our Father God and pray to Him. Christian living is about abiding in Christ personally and deeply as well as enjoying the Holy Spirit’s fellowship.
“Built up” – just like a physical building, our character and actions are visible to others. When we are not seen by others, how can we ensure that our lives are anchored in Christ (rooted) and we grow in maturity (built up), so that we can bear witness to others, serve effectively, and contribute to our church’s growth? If we are not rooted in Christ, then there is certainly nothing to build upon. Neither can we grow spiritually nor help to build others and our church.
• “strengthened in the faith”
When confronted with challenges and difficult circumstances, we will be tested and proven worthy if we hold firmly to our faith and seek God always. When we abide in Christ, thirst for God’s Word, and meditate on His Word, our lives will bear much fruit and our faith will be strengthened. “Rooted”, “built up’, “faith”, and ‘thankfulness” are clear signs that we are consistently growing and maturing in Christ.
• “overflowing with thankfulness”
Thankfulness is the spiritual fruit of a life that is “rooted”, “built up”, and “strengthened in faith”. A thankful heart is one that counts our many blessings from God, brings joy to others, and provides comfort to a person’s soul. When we are “rooted” and “built up” in Christ, we will have the “faith” to be thankful in good times as well as the strength to wait upon the Lord in adverse times. Even amid a storm, we can be overflowed with thankfulness because we know He is with us, and for us. Thankfulness helps us rise above our circumstances and cling to our Lord.
May the Lord help us follow Him all the days of our lives. May our lives be rooted and built up in Him, our faith be strengthened in Him, and our hearts overflow with thankfulness, as we live out the fullness of Christ in us. In the name of our precious Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen!

By Ps Rebecca Kwok