2 Corinthians 13:5-6

Always examine themselves, their spiritual life and their faith
In the above scripture, Paul emphasized the importance of self-examination among believes in the Corinthian church. He urged them to always examine themselves, their spiritual life and their faith by asking: “Am I a genuine Christian?”, “Is the presence of Jesus Christ evident within me?”, “Do I have the assurance of salvation?, and “Is my faith in God unwavering amidst the challenges life throws at me?”
“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? And I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test.” (2 Cor 13:5-6)
The Corinthians were swayed by false apostles and began to doubt Paul’s apostleship, demanding evidence of Christ’s revelation to him. Paul, in response, urged the Corinthians to first examine their own faith and identity – “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith”. True believers, he argued, carry the presence of Jesus Christ within them, recognize and respond to the Christ in Paul, receive faith from God, and have their lives transformed.
Accepting Jesus as our Saviour implies that we are embraced by God through the sanctity of Jesus’ sacrifice, ushering us into a new identity in Christ. This epitomizes God’s grace: we should remember that our divine acceptance is not because of our own merits, but because of Christ in us.
The two verses remind us that, throughout our life stages and experiences, we must always examine the state of our spiritual life. Is our faith in Jesus Christ genuine and unwavering? Do we always abide in Christ? Or do we merely align with the idea of faith?
Many of us, over the course of a year, undergo health check-ups or performance appraisals. Yet very few of us will pause to review our spiritual well-being. It is vital for our spiritual health that we examine ourselves regularly, ensuring a genuine transformation of our lives led by God. Let’s prayerfully examine our own spiritual life:
1. How does my daily life reflect the importance I place on my relationship with God? Do I pray and read the Bible daily? Do I believe that God’s Word can teach me and change me? Do I actively seek and discern God’s will through silence and solitude?
2. Am I willing to obey God’s commands and instructions? Do I have a spiritual mentor?Do I foster bonds with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?
3. Am I willing to offer myself as a living sacrifice to God? Will I commit my emotions, time, money, and talents to emulate Christ’s ways?

By Ps Rebecca Kwok