Luke 23: 34

Let us humble ourselves before God, confessing and repenting of our sins, crucifying all that displeases Him
During this year’s 40-day Lent season from 14 February to 30 March 2024, have you noticed a shift in your spiritual life? Are you delving deeper into the realms of spiritual discipline, setting aside time each day to reflect on the grace of God and the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ?
At the Good Friday Service on 29th March, the Cantonese congregation explored the theme of “Crucifying Sin”. Together, we confessed before God our sins of neglecting our relationship with Him, betrayal, envy, hatred, lukewarmness, not sharing the gospel, and possibly many other sins, sins that are hidden and not yet revealed. Through Scripture reading, reflection, meditation, and prayer, the congregation was still before God and examined our own lives.
Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’ (Luke 23: 34)
In Luke 23: 34, “Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’” Of the seven statements Jesus made while He was hanging on the cross, these were His very first words. It is one of the greatest prayers of all time!
Despite the agony of crucifixion, Jesus exemplified unparalleled grace and compassion, pleading the Father to forgive the people who crucified, insulted, and flogged Him. Jesus had compassion for his persecutors because they were enslaved to sin and blinded by darkness and ignorance. Jesus’ prayer teaches us a crucial life lesson: to emulate His grace and love. We are called to forgive those who wrong or hurt us and pray for our enemies. We are also called to repent of our sins, seek forgiveness for our own transgressions, and get rid our pride and ego. May we ask God to teach us to love like Jesus. Through our words, attitudes, and actions, we can extend Christ-like love to one another and to everyone around us!
During this year’s Lent and Good Friday, I hope that we have actively practiced forgiveness while experiencing God’s mercy for our own shortcomings. Let us humble ourselves before God, confessing and repenting of our sins, crucifying all that displeases Him. Through this process, may our minds be renewed and our spirits mature!

By Ps Rebecca Kwok