As part of a larger body, there are many advantages.
This week has been quite an important time in the life of the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) as we had the annual meeting held at Charis Methodist Church from Monday (11 Nov) till Thursday (14 Nov).
Our church, Kum Yan Methodist Church, is one of 17 local churches that comprises the CAC, and the CAC is one of the 3 Annual Conferences that makes up the Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS). All this is to say that as a local church, we are part of a larger body of Christ in the tiny city-state of Singapore.
God bless you and God bless KY, the CAC and the MCS.
As part of a larger body, there are many advantages. Firstly, we receive resources for the ministry from the Annual Conference. Our Conference pastors are one such resource, but there are many others, such as Disciple Agency, Companions-in-Christ, etc. Secondly, we have a bigger voice (or collective say) in religious matters in Singapore. There are many other advantages as well.
This year is a year of big change for the MCS and for the CAC. Many offices hold a 4-year term (also called a quadranium) and this year is the end of one quadranium. And so, as you already know, a new Bishop of the MCS has been elected – Rev Philip Lim. The Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference (ETAC) also has a new President – Rev Saravana Kumar elected last week. Next week, the Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) will elect a new President as well.
At our Annual Conference of the CAC this week, we too elected a new President. Many of our KY men would know Rev Lek Yong Teck, who is our new CAC President for the next quadranium. We thank God for calling Rev Lek to this office, and we look forward to what He will bring to the MCS, to the CAC, and to our local churches.
Given these changes at the highest levels of leadership in the MCS, let us not be anxious but let us instead be spurred towards unity and one-ness even in the larger body of the MCS. May we keep our new leaders in prayer, support their ministry and encourage one another towards love and good deeds. God bless you and God bless KY, the CAC and the MCS. Amen.

By Rev Stefanie Oh