John 13:35

May the Lord continue to draw you deeper in relationship with Him.
Dear Kum Yan, here’s wishing everyone a Blessed New Year 2025! As I reflected over the past year 2024, I cannot help but be thankful for how the Lord has brought us through such an eventful year. Our God is indeed faithful to us, and He has provided for Kum Yan in so many ways.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. (Jn 13:35)
Before we rush into a year that looks already packed with many events, appointments and matters, I hope that each one of us will set aside time to reflect on the past year. Specifically, here are some questions that may aid in your reflection:
1. What were your most memorable experiences with Jesus in 2024? Are you experiencing intimacy with God?
2. Has the Lord been challenging you in a particular way in 2024? How has that been?
3. Have you experienced certain hardships in 2024? How has the experience changed you or your understanding of who God is?
As you reflect, may you also consider the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him, endured the Cross. Consider the opposition He endured and has overcome, so that you do not grow weary and lose heart (Hebrews 12:1–3).
For those whose 2024 proved difficult: I am praying for you, that the comfort and joy of the Lord be upon you as you enter the new year. May 2025 bring new hope, fresh perspective and great joy as you continue to walk with the Lord.
For those whose 2024 was smooth-sailing and filled with wonderful experiences: May the Lord continue to draw you deeper in relationship with Him, and may you continue to serve Him and the church with gladness of heart.
And for all of Kum Yan, my prayer for us is that we may fix our eyes on Jesus as we enter 2025. May we stay the course on this road of discipleship, never taking the easy way out, but seeking to love the Lord more fully each day, and to love and submit to one another in greater measure as the year unfolds. By this, the world will know that we are Jesus’ disciples (John 13:35).

Rev Stefanie Oh