Continue to bless others for this pleases the Lord.
Last Saturday, more than 40 people went out from our church and gave over 100 gift packs to the cleaning crew and security guards working in the MRT stations, food courts and surrounding office blocks. This was part of Project Bless organized by the Social Concerns Committee. This was the second time they have gone out to bless these workers who have to work doubly hard during this festive period.
Blessed is he who considers the poor; The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble. (Psalm 41:1)
On the same day, a few members from our Cantonese congregation brought 4 elderlies to Garden by the Bay and spent the morning with them. These elderlies are beneficiaries from our North Bridge Road ministry. Our members were so thoughtful that they even booked a vehicle that could transport those on wheelchairs.
Members from the North Bridge Road ministry will be going on their block visits next Saturday. They will be distributing mandarin oranges and connecting with the residents again.
I am also pleased to inform you that our ladies from the Sisters Fellowship 姐妹会 hosted a home-cooked Chinese New Year lunch for a few workers from China yesterday. These workers are the cleaners who worked in the two buildings just next door to our church. Our church keepers, Guan Hock and his wife Jeanette, have been reaching out to them for a while already.
Our sisters had lovingly prepared the food in the morning and brought them to church to be served. They did this while having to prepare their own reunion dinner in the evening. I want to especially thank Mrs Kan and Grace Chan (chairperson of the Sisters fellowship) who helped to organize this lunch and all the sisters who prepared the food.
This festive season I am well aware that there are a few of you who opened your home and invited different people to come and celebrate Chinese New Year together. Please continue to do so for this pleases the Lord.
Blessed is he who considers the poor; The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble. (Psalm 41:1)

By Rev Philip Lim