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Divine Turnarounds

Divine Turnarounds

Divine Turnarounds Romans 15:13 Remember that God can transform your situation. Hannah’s heart was heavy with sorrow before the birth of her son. Her earnest prayers for a child were answered by God, and she gave birth to Samuel. Once Samuel was weaned, Hannah...
Your Journey of Spiritual Formation

Your Journey of Spiritual Formation

Your Journey of Spiritual Formation 2 Peter 1:3-8 Have you embarked on similar spiritual journeys? Kum Yan Church currently uses Disciple Agency’s DISCIPLE Bible Study programme and “Companions in Christ” to guide a 28-session experiential journey in spiritual...
Your Journey of Spiritual Formation


灵命塑造 彼得后书1:3-8 弟兄姐妹们,你曾否上过其中一些课程呢? 感恩堂使用《门徒》机构的四本《门徒》研经课程和《基督里的良伴》,涵盖28课的体验灵命塑造之旅。 (一) 研读圣经 作主门徒(红本《门徒》) BECOMING DISCIPLES THROUGH BIBLE STUDY(二) 扎根真道 深入世界(绿本《门徒》) INTO THE WORD INTO THE WORLD(三) 紧记你们是谁(紫本《门徒》)REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE(四) 在生命树下(金本《门徒》)UNDER THE TREE OF...


第十三届大会 使徒行传 1:23-26 因为上帝的规划总是对我们最好的。 新加坡卫理公会第十三届大会订于9月2日至6日之间在卫理公会女皇镇礼拜堂举行。该会议每隔四年举行一次。会议期间将提交报告,代表们将回顾和反思过去四年教会的所有不同事工。他们也要为未来几年制定计划。今年大会的一项重要议程是新加坡卫理公会的领袖-会督,以及各理事会和委员会的领导进行选举。 我们在天上的父,当我们需要做出重要决定时,求你帮助我们相信你。但愿我们有信心,无论我们选择哪条道路,你都会指引我们,恩赐我们。阿们。...