by kanbickyee | Apr 24, 2023 | Pastor's Heart - EN
THE DISCIPLE’S LIFE 3: No Compromise Acts 5: 1-11 April 24, 2023 The life of a true disciple is lived without compromise because God does not compromise on His principles. I am not sure how you feel each time you read this passage concerning Ananias and Sapphira. Do...
by kanbickyee | Apr 17, 2023 | Pastor's Heart CN
自由的行动 使徒行传4:32-37 2023年 04月 17日 一个问题: 你对你的财产有什么想法? 有一个故事,说的是一位基督徒女士走进英国的一个建筑协会分支机构,人们在那里支付抵押贷款。她掏出她的存摺,里面记载几千英镑的存款,把它交给了柜台。”我已经决定我不需要这些了,”她对惊讶的柜台服务员说。”请用它来帮助一些正在为支付抵押贷款有难处的家庭。”...
by kanbickyee | Apr 17, 2023 | Pastor's Heart - EN
THE DISCIPLE’S LIFE 2: Freedom to Act Acts 4: 32-37 April 17, 2023 A question: How do you feel about your possessions? I am very encouraged to hear that some participants in our forthcoming Family Camp gave over and above their camp fees so that others are able to...
by kanbickyee | Apr 10, 2023 | Pastor's Heart CN
我们的主复活了! 路加福音23:55-56, 24:1-12 2023年 04月 10日 祷告主让他们在这个复活节能从问问题转化成寻找答案 我们的主已经复活了! 让我们花一些时间来默想今天的经文。 周五晚上,妇女们跟随亚利马太的约瑟,看着他把耶稣的尸体放在坟墓里,在那个纪念性的周日早晨,她们带着香料和香水,准备用在耶稣的身上。竟然发现一个空坟墓,她们惊奇主怎么了。 又说:“人子必须受许多的苦,被长老、祭司长和文士弃绝,并且被杀,第三天复活。” (路加福音9:22)...
by kanbickyee | Apr 10, 2023 | Pastor's Heart - EN
OUR LORD HAS RISEN! Luke 23:55-56, 24:1-12 April 10, 2023 Pray that this Easter they may move from asking questions to finding answers. And he said, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law,...