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First Sunday of Advent

First Sunday of Advent

First Sunday of Advent Isaiah 52:7 Remember that at the start of the year the church has adopted the theme of One for Jesus. During the month of December we have many activities in the church – camps for our youth and young people, mission trips, baptism...


华人年议会(CAC)会议 希伯来书 13:17-18 请为我祷告,为我们的牧师们和同工们祷告,为我们的领袖们祷告。 过去的一周是充满大事的一周。华人年议会(CAC)于上周四结束。在2024 年年议会的闭幕礼拜上,宣布了 2025年华人年议会各教会的年会委任牧师。 在宣布新职分之前,我已大概知悉,并与教会的领导层讨论过的,所以对这宣布并不感到惊讶。不过,我还是抱着希望,希望能在最后一刻有另一位主理牧师指派到感恩堂。这并不是因为我没有信心接受这美好的新职分,而是因为我几个月前开始担任青年崇拜的牧师,目睹青年崇拜...

Annual Conference of CAC

Annual Conference of CAC Hebrews 13:17-18 Pray for me, and pray for our Pastors and our Staff, and pray for our leaders. This past week has been rather eventful for me. The Annual Conference of the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) ended last Thursday. And at the...

Chinese Annual Conference (CAC)

Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) As part of a larger body, there are many advantages. This week has been quite an important time in the life of the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) as we had the annual meeting held at Charis Methodist Church from Monday (11 Nov) till...


华人年议会(CAC) 作为在年议会的一个肢体,我们有许多优势。 本周是华人年议会(CAC)很重要的一周,因为我们从周一(11月11日)到周四(11月14日)在卫理公会颂恩堂(Charis Methodist Church)举行了一年一度的年议会。 愿上帝赐福你们,愿上帝赐福感恩堂、华人年议会和新加坡基督教卫理公会。 我们的堂会–感恩堂–是组成华人年议会(CAC)的17间堂会之一,而 华人年议会(CAC)是组成新加坡基督教卫理公会 (MCS)...