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The 13th Session of the GC

The 13th Session of the GC

The 13th Session of the GC Acts 1:23-26 This is because God’s plan is always the best for us. The 13th Session of the General Conference of the Methodist Church in Singapore will take place from the 2nd to 6th September at the premise of Faith Methodist Church...
When Busyness Takes Over

When Busyness Takes Over

When Busyness Takes Over Luke 10:38-42 Martha was so consumed by busyness that she neglected to truly be with Him. Luke 10:38-42 “ 38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a...
When Busyness Takes Over


忙忙忙 路加福音10: 38-42 马大把焦点放在“服事”,忘了把焦点放在她服事的“耶稣基督”。 路加福音10:38-4238 他们走路的时候,耶稣进了一个村庄。有一个女人,名叫马大,接他到自己家里。39 她有一个妹子,名叫马利亚,在耶稣脚前坐着听他的道。40 马大伺候的事多,心里忙乱,就进前来说:“主啊,我的妹子留下我一个人伺候,你不在意吗?请吩咐她来帮助我。”41 耶稣回答说:“马大!马大!你为许多的事思虑烦扰,42 但是不可少的只有一件;马利亚已经选择那上好的福分,是不能夺去的。”...


不求表彰的侍奉 路加福音17:7-10 作为主耶稣基督的信徒,我被提醒要知道为谁侍奉,及为何侍奉。 路加福音17:7-107“你们当中谁有仆人耕地或是放羊,从田里回来,就对他说‘你快来坐下吃饭’呢? 8他岂不对仆人说‘你给我预备晚饭,束上带子伺候我,等我吃喝完了,你才可以吃喝’吗? 9仆人照所吩咐的去做,主人还谢谢他吗? 10这样,你们做完了一切所吩咐的,要说:‘我们是无用的仆人,所做的本是我们该做的。’”...

Serving Without The Desire For Recognition

Serving Without The Desire For Recognition Luke 17:7-10 As a disciple of Jesus Christ our Lord, I am reminded who I am serving and why I am serving. Luke 17:7-10 7 “Suppose one of you has a servant plowing or looking after the sheep. Will he say to the servant when he...