Hebrews 13:17-18

Pray for me, and pray for our Pastors and our Staff, and pray for our leaders.
This past week has been rather eventful for me. The Annual Conference of the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) ended last Thursday. And at the Closing Service of the Annual Conference 2024, the appointments of the Conference Pastors to our CAC churches for 2025 was announced.
As my new appointment was discussed with our church’s leadership ahead of time, I was not surprised by the announcement. I was, however, holding out hope that another Pastor-in-charge (PIC) would be appointed to KY at the last minute. This is not because I was not confident to take up this wonderful new appointment, but because I had only stepped into the role of YC Pastor a couple of months ago and as a youth and young adult congregation, YC is currently still going through this new season of leadership transition and growth. God is doing amazing things at YC. Some of our YC leaders have stepped up to serve in new areas of ministry, others in new enlarged capacities, and yet others are being challenged to move from being a bench-warmer to serve where they have been positioned by the Lord.
Hence, given this new appointment, you might ask, “What will happen to YC going forward?” Well, upon discussion with KY’s leadership, and with their full support, I am glad to give all of you a brief outline of my role in KY. I will assume the role of Pastor-in-charge of Kum Yan Methodist Church from January 2025 until the CAC appoints me elsewhere. As PIC, I will take responsibility to lead and guide the whole church towards the vision that God has for us in this season (more on this will come in the next few months). I will gradually over the course of the year take on the role of Lead Pastor of English ministries (including EC, JYC, YC and KYdZ) with the help and support of our capable Lay Pastors and Ministry Staff. I will also continue as YC Pastor to see through the good work that has begun, and continue to grow YC leaders to do the work of ministry in YC. I will also oversee the Mandarin and Cantonese ministries through assigned Pastors and Staff.
Pray for us. We are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honourably in every way. (Heb 13:18)
If you’ve read this Pastor’s Heart edition till this point, you may realise that this is a huge endeavour for one person to take on. And so, my appeal to you whether you are in our English, YC, Mandarin or Cantonese congregations, the Lord God desires for KY to fully step into the place He has for us in this nation – to be a Lighthouse, a caring community, a home in the city. I invite you to come alongside in this vision that God has for KY, to serve the Lord and His people together as ONE. Most importantly, PRAY. Pray for me, and pray for our Pastors and our Staff, and pray for our leaders.
17 Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you. 18 Pray for us. We are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honourably in every way. (Heb 13)

By Rev Stefanie Oh