Genesis 12: 2-3

Specifically we are called to be a blessing to our nation, and the people of this nation.
I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you… and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you. (Genesis 12: 2-3) This is the promise that God gave to Abram. (His name will be changed to Abraham later). Indeed, God blessed Abraham richly for we see that Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold (Genesis 13:2). Another example of God’s extraordinary blessings on Abraham was when his nephew, Lot and the 5 kings, were captured by the enemies, Abraham launched a rescue mission. He was victorious!
I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you… and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you. (Genesis 12: 2-3)
God’s blessings extended to Isaac, Abraham’s son, too. Isaac planted crops in the land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him. The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy (Gen 26:12-13).
Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, was also blessed. The man (Jacob) grew exceedingly prosperous and came to own large flocks and maidservants and camels and donkey (Gen 30:43). Jacob in his younger days was a rascal and a cheat. If anyone who did not deserve God’s blessings, it was Jacob. Yet, God would still bless him and use him as a blessing.
But it is in the story of Joseph that we find the most powerful fulfillment of God’s earlier promise to Abraham. Joseph’s greatest achievement must be that he rose to become the Overseer of whole land of Egypt (Genesis 41: 41). And he brought much relief to the people who had to endure a severe famine, including those from the other nations.
As spiritual children belonging to Abraham’s family we are called to be a blessing to the people and the nations of this world. Specifically we are called to be a blessing to our nation, and the people of this nation. In the Gospel Jesus calls it being the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matthew 5: 13-14)
As we celebrate our National Day this month, we can thank God for all the blessings he has poured upon us and this nation. But more importantly we must be a blessing to others, especially the poor and the needy.

By Rev Philip Lim