Luke 11:33

Singapore Night Festival
Dear Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ,
I want to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all of you who helped out at the Singapore Night Festival during the last 2 Saturdays. Some of you were up on stage while others worked behind the scene. Nonetheless, I am inspired to see our leaders and members, across congregations, serving and working together as one. We did not conduct an official tally but I think we must have had hundreds of people who stopped and stood outside the church, braved the occasional light drizzle, to listen to our songs and sharing of testimonies.
Over at the outreach space (former cafe), people kept streaming in. In the midst of showing hospitality with drinks and snacks, we were able to strike up simple conversations with different people and introduce our church to them.
No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light. (Luke 11:33)
I want to make mention of a few individuals who worked extremely hard to make this event a success. First, brother Soh Ngai Waye, our Chinese Calligraphy master, who despite his age (89yo), gamely fulfilled requests from people to have their names written. Over the 2 nights, he must have received over 200 requests!
Second, our Cantonese Opera Troupe, under the leadership of brother Jimmy Leong. They presented a selection of popular church songs. I observed that they took this event very seriously and trained very hard for it. After their item, I gave them a thumbs-up sign and they all replied – All Glory be to God!
Also, our Pastor Ian Wong who took charge of the entire event from coordination with the organizers to program line-up and the set-up of all the different points so that engagement with the public could take place. He also led the team of young people who worked very hard to set up the place pre-event, and packed up everything after.
Not forgetting all of you who just came to soak in the festive atmosphere. Your presence is a great encouragement and it speaks volumes.
We are thankful to God for this unexpected opportunity to be involved in the Singapore Night Festival. We have sought to bring the church community to the street. And it is our desire that this event will be a stepping stone towards greater and deeper engagement with the community. Let us do everything in our ability to bring our church one step closer to being a Lighthouse, a Caring Community and a Home in the city.
No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light. (Luke 11:33)
To God be the Glory!

By Rev Philip Lim