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Galatians 4:19

July 15, 2024

In short spiritual formation focuses on deepening one’s relationship with God by being like Christ.

“My little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you!” (Galatians 4:19 ESV).
In the last two years, the English Adult congregation has been going through a busy time of reformation as we ‘Rebuild Our Walls’ (2023) and ‘Recalibrate’ (2024). I believe these things are happening because in these last days God is concerned with fulfilling His vision for Kum Yan and also our spiritual growth. And the means to help us grow spiritually is through spiritual formation.

“My little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you!” (Gal 4:19)

What is spiritual formation? I define it as “an intentional process of disciplining disciples towards Christ-likeness (spiritual growth) in the Holy Spirit’s power to fulfill God’s will for their lives within the family of God.” In short spiritual formation focuses on deepening one’s relationship with God by being like Christ.
Spiritual formation encompasses five aspects:

1. Growth: Growing to be like Christ in heart and mind, which means believing in, understanding and living out His Word (i.e. godly values and biblical principles);
2. Process: Spiritual formation is a process that requires discipline and intentionality. Foundational to the heart of spiritual formation is a deep hunger for God and to desire His Word, His ways and His will;
3. Empowerment: Since spiritual formation is a spiritual discipline, Christ-likeness cannot be attained by one’s own effort or intelligence. It can only be accomplished through the power and constant infilling of the Holy Spirit;
4. Goal: The goal of spiritual formation is to discern and fulfill the Lord’s will for our lives. So that at the end of the day we can, like the apostle Paul say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”;
5. Community: The Scriptures reveal to us that the family of God is vital in the spiritual growth of disciples. No person is an island when it comes to spiritual formation. Inasmuch as we need to have some private moments with God as we exercise the spiritual disciplines, we need the body of Christ to relate with on a regular basis in order to encourage one another on and grow together (Acts 2:44-47; Hebrews 10:25).

Growth, process, empowerment, goal, community- these five aspects are needed in spiritual formation that will cause spiritual growth. In the next couple of Sundays I will be unpacking the secrets of spiritual formation so do stay with me till the end! God bless you.

By Ps Simon Say
