Psalm 105: 1-4

“We are Kum Yan – a lighthouse, caring community and home in the City”
“Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.”
Today, we celebrate that for 105 years, we as a Kum Yan family have gathered before the Lord weekly to worship Him, love one another, and together seek His Kingdom. Through these many years, we have seen His miraculous protection and provision, His tender love towards us and His amazing grace that is still transforming lives today. Truly He has done great things!
It is therefore only right that we come together once again to give thanks to Him, and to worship Him with all that we are. As one family, let us declare Psalms 105 verses 1 to 4:
The opening banner on our website states — “We are Kum Yan –
a lighthouse, caring community and home in the City”
This psalm proclaims that our God saves, invite us in these first verses to firstly turn our attention to this God who is worthy of praise, and to proclaim his Name even among the nations. Similarly, our prayer today is that Kum Yan always be a lighthouse, shining the light of God’s truth into the darkness, and into the world.
It also instructs us to be a God-praising and God-telling people who speak of all His wonderful acts, especially how He has redeemed us, that we may be a caring community who love God and one another.
As we live only for His glory, may we be a place where many from our city will come to find a home in the midst of those who seek the Lord. May the Lord give us His strength to do this, even today.
Today we have 105 years of God’s goodness to look back on, and it points us forward with confidence in how He will lead us into the future. To God be the glory!

By Ps Ian Wong